Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gamma World NPC Names D100 list.

It seems many of my imaginary readers do not posses the 120-sided die (a numbered pseudologohedron) required to make use of my previous list of Gamma World NPC names.  In light of this I have cut the list down to a more manageable number, secreting 20 of the most dangerous names away and leaving only the 100 names that I can trust in the hands of the public.

Get the Gamma World NPC Names D100 Table right HERE!

If you have any trouble getting the file let me know via semaphore, pony express, email, twitter, or even the Comments Section.  I wouldn't be surprised if it's broken; I barely know how to use this thing!

Gamma World NPCs

Hmmm.  This old blog appears unused and in disrepair.  Might be a good place for me to store this Overlong and Ever-Mutating list of Gamma World NPC Names!
  1. Douchious Pentagon
  2. Arrogant Waxley
  3. Salvo G. Riptide
  4. Horsefeathers McCleane
  5. Queen Billy
  6. Hairemy
  7. Doracho Swain
  8. Grizz Ricola
  9. Paul Shoulders
  10. Barugan Wattaburger
  11. Rufus Municipal
  12. Toad the Wet Richardson
  13. Crevice Hercules
  14. Phil "Lynette" Lovesong
  15. Pharticle Pysicist
  16. Monsanto CrazyTrain
  17. Philander Grimace
  18. Free-Range Chelsea
  19. Unlicensed Tina
  20. Epsilon "Detour-next-2" Miles
  21. Clover Grieveland
  22. Alpo Cerberus
  23. Creme-de-Mentholyptus
  24. Hippo Graceland
  25. Depth-Charge Kissinger
  26. Jean-Claude Van Rainbows
  27. Eleanor Severance
  28. Paco Supreme
  29. Dainty Jon Cinderblock
  30. Rascal Vats
  31. Fortitude Chompski
  32. Sandy Credulous
  33. Frequency Club Theodore
  34. Wyatt Album
  35. Tron Destiny
  36. Jaundice Kremlin
  37. Apache Katydid
  38. Norman Solvent
  39. Deepak Shakur
  40. Herman Funster
  41. Manticore United
  42. Non-Toxic Andrea
  43. Barbie Kloch
  44. Oedipus Regional Sports Complex
  45. Heavenly Frazier
  46. Coffeemate Wendy
  47. Ashley Ovenmitt
  48. Jeep Lancaster
  49. Seth-From-Concentrate
  50. Grassley Ferment
  51. Yonder Swordsman
  52. Grout Discount
  53. Dianne Soundscape
  54. Frenetic Kingsley
  55. Rompin Todd
  56. Chirps Finnegan
  57. Greg Carnivorous
  58. Circus Wakazashi
  59. Clear and Present Beatrix
  60. Broccoli Midnight
  61. Glen Washington Hewer
  62. Dog the Odor Hunter
  63. The Highland Park Presser
  64. Bulletin Bill the Paper Mill
  65. French Fried Po-Travis
  66. Grant Exemption
  67. Fiona Terminal
  68. Gibbous Boonedoggle
  69. Hearty Cynthia Chillidog
  70. Momentary Delaney
  71. Fritz Heightmap
  72. Tracy Reese's-For-Breakfast
  73. Trusty Leatherface
  74. The Quick and The Donny
  75. Frail Trimothy
  76. Judge Suburb
  77. Bluetooth Olga
  78. Grape Ludakrisp
  79. Nelson Fandango
  80. Zhang the Sentinel
  81. Swearword Mullins
  82. Vanilla Square-Enix
  83. Colonel Telethon
  84. Chastity Financial
  85. Relevant Holmes
  86. Flip Amex
  87. Prudence Whitendon***
  88. Drain the John Rockson
  89. Highball Diamondback
  90. Scimitar Wrigley
  91. Chief O'Chiefly
  92. Burningwood Celibate III
  93. Memento Morine
  94. Heavenly Pickler
  95. Eunice Battletoad
  96. Mangrove Filibuster
  97. Lady Reach Ten
  98. Lovehandle Macklemore
  99. Apple-Cinnamon Frydaddy
  100. Shapely Musgrove*
  101. John Carter Lemonhead*
  102. Conundrum Menace
  103. Mister E. Broot
  104. Quantum Hogan
  105. Frauline Danny Mezzerschmitt
  106. Halcyon Spectrode
  107. UltraHank
  108. Asimov Bullroarer
  109. Krÿlön Bïrkënstök
  110. Frenemy Cox
  111. Gattacca Daisy
  112. Bonk the Poolman
  113. George "Terror" Lindsey
  114. Partly Claudia
  115. Grape McMuffin
  116. Porterhouse Dreamliner
  117. Liz Fedex
  118. Bedknob Motorway** 
  119. Downtown "Don" Aboretum** 
  120. Talking Reginald Telescope
*: Names of NPCs I made up during my Gamma World game and then added to the list.
**: Thanks, @AllenShull!
***: A Twitter Spambot that favorited one of these name tweets.

Wow! that's a lot of silly names! I better not add any more, or the list will become inconvenient to roll on a single 120-sided die (Note to self: Add more names for further inconvenience).

Remember, these names were neither randomly nor procedurally generated. They were each lovingly handcrafted by the mentally ill (just like those brown wooden clipboards at the drugstore).  What's that you say, imaginary reader? You would like me to write a procedural generator that can ceaselessly crap out names of this caliber all the live-long day?  Be careful what you wish for, imaginary reader, you just might get it...

Also, these are presented in the order they were originally conceived (or at least tweeted).  Naturally there are some names near the front of the list that don't perfectly fit, and some names at the back of the list that conform a little too well.  I imagine that (as with most things in life) the most interesting bits are in the middle.

Update: Download a printable sheet of the initial 120 names HERE!

-Special Thanks to M. Murray for giving me an excuse to compile this!